2018 Winners

Best PhD Presenter Award:
Mayank Kumar

Best Graduate Poster (Tie)
Gas Tracking Wireless Sensor Network
Nadya Mohamed

Information Theory in Neuroscience
Joseph Young

Best Graduate Demo sponsored by Rice Engineering Alumni:
Magnetoelectric materials for miniature, wireless neural interfaces
Amanda Wickens, Ben Avants, Josh Chen, Nishant Verma, Shayok Dutta, Josh Chu

Best Senior Design:
Monitoring Jugular Venous Pressure for At-Home Congestive Heart Failure Care
Nick Calafat, Yida Liu, Akhil Surapaneni, Jack Terrell, Angela Zhang

Best Undergraduate Demo Sponsored by Schlumberger:
Using mobile sensors to gather behavioral and biological data
Aidan Curtis

Best Undergraduate Research Sponsored by Fish & Richardson
Big Red: Team DISSECT’s Gum Sized Microcontroller
Ronaldo Sanchez, Chris Chivetta

ECE Distinguished Student Service Award:
Fasai Phuathavornskul andĀ Fatima Ahsan

Special Recognition High School Capstone Project:
Internet of Things: Wearable Anger Management Tool
Indhusri Gunda